Category: Testimonies
The embrace that saves
The homily of Fr. Paolo Sottopietra, superior general of the Fraternity of St. Charles, for the funeral Mass of Fr. Aldo Trento.
ReadFather Aldo, a great gift to the world
Fr. Aldo Trento, a priest of the St. Charles Fraternity who was a missionary in Paraguay for many in years, has died. The message of Davide Prosperi, President of the Fraternity of CL (
ReadThree questions on the streets of Rome
The “pilgrimage of the seven churches”: a path of faith and gratitude to discover the people that is the Church.
ReadA light in the night of Kahawa Wendani
Even before death, there is Someone who brings hope: a story from Nairobi.
ReadTo heaven with Her!
A procession through the streets of the suburbs of Madrid allows the faith of the simple to become resplendent: a witness from Spain.
ReadA very subtle place
A week of prayer and charity with 150 French high school students. A story from the sanctuary of Lourdes.
ReadSt. Paul in Nairobi
The words of Scripture are always living and efficacious: a story from Kenya.
ReadIt’s better because it’s real
Three days of camping to discover that reality is still capable of speaking, even to the youngest among us.
ReadWhat language does the heart speak?
Not even linguistic difficulties can impede the communication of what is dear to us.
ReadA companionship that is possible
The encounter with Christ in confession becomes the occasion to be reborn, even in the rooms of a hospital in the periphery.
ReadSantiago, a new church, a new beginning
The construction of a new neighborhood enlarges our mission in Puente Alto. The first celebration in the new church shows us that Christ remains what we await most deeply.
ReadThe piece that was missing
We educate to the faith through concrete gestures. A story from our parish in Turin.
ReadThe strength of perseverance
The adventure of education is made up of successes and failures. For this reason, there must be a communion that sustains it. A testimony from the Colombian capital.
ReadThe “physical” channel for encountering God
In Mexico City, a group of university students organizes a “missionary camp” that includes games, catechesis and abundant charity.
ReadThe faithfulness of a daughter
In the suburbs of Denver, an encounter full of joy and gratitude.
ReadHe has taken all of my heart
After 25 years among Russian prisons and the Siberian steppe, there remains a profound certainty: through the hands of a priest, you encounter Christ.
ReadWhat are you afraid of?
The real questions of friends can open the path to the discovery of one’s own vocation: the story of Matteo Pagani, ordained to the priesthood this past June 22nd.
ReadAn experience of communion and friendship
From Trento, to Bologna, to Rome, the discovery of a friendship whose aim is to serve the glory of Christ. The story of Martino Zavarise, ordained to the priesthood this past June 22nd.
ReadA home everywhere
João Brito was ordained to the priesthood last June 22: between Portugal, Italy, and Chile, the intuition of a call and the discovery of a great home as large as the world.
ReadI too want to abandon myself to Christ
Among the recently ordained priests of the Fraternity of St. Charles is Giovanni Barrani. His story teaches us that vocation is also an experience of salvation, just like in the movies.
ReadThe promises of God
The great promises of God prepare us to welcome the vocation that He has thought of for us: the story of Ignazio Beghi.
ReadGeorge’s Baptism
In the darkness of a tin shack, a bright and joy-filled afternoon. A story from Africa.