Fraternity and mission

«Fraternity and mission» is the magazine of the St. Charles Fraternity. Since 1995, it has collected witnesses and meditations from our missionaries.

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Retreat at San Giovanni Rotondo

From Wednesday, February 28th to Sunday, March 3rd, the House of Formation of the Fraternity of St. Charles took a retreat together at San Giovanni Rotondo. The seminarians and their formators were able to pray in the places where St. Pio of Pietrelcina lived, thus having the occasion to become closer to one of the […]

  • House of formation
  • Testimonies

The gratuity that I learn

From a Spain extremely secularized, the story of a priest on mission among university students

  • Tommaso Pedroli
  • Gallery

Embracing the beauty of companionship

On Saturday, February 24, at the Catholic University Fujen of Taipei, Msgr. Massimo Camisasca presented the first Chinese edition of his book La Casa, La Terra e gli Amici (House, Earth, Friends). After the meeting, Msgr. Tommaso Chung An-Zu, bishop of Taipei, celebrated the Holy Mass in the university chapel in memory of Fr. Luigi […]

  • Taipei
  • Publications

The return to God

To accompany our Lenten journey, we propose a meditation by Msgr. Massimo Camisasca.

  • Massimo Camisasca
  • Testimonies

It is true and I cannot deny it

A friendship that puts Christ at the center changes life. A testimony of Gioventù Studentesca from South America.

  • Diego Garcia
  • Gallery

“Young Priest” Retreat

As is usual, the recently ordained priests of the Fraternity of St. Charles gathered at Varigotti for a week of prayer, encounter and dialogue. From the 30th of January to the 6th of February, around thirty missionaries exchanged experiences and testimony from five different continents. To enrich their reflection, a few different guests spoke on […]

  • Varigotti
  • Testimonies

Questions of yuanfen

An unexpected encounter reminds us that faithfulness and chastity are two dimensions of love.

  • Paolo Costa
  • Gallery

Pilgrimage for Anas

On Saturday, January 27, the parish of St. Charles at Ca’ Granda (Milan) organized a pilgrimage in memory of Fr. Antonio Anastasio, called by all “Anas”. The day began with Holy Mass celebrated at the cemetery of Bruzzano, where our brother and friend was laid to rest, and continued with the visit to the tomb […]

  • Milan
  • Gallery

Colonia Urbana 2024: “You were born to be happy”

Once again this year, the parish of Blessed Pedro Bonilli of Sanitago, Chile, organized its Colonia Urbana. Every day, from the 8th to the 19th of January, around 230 children and 80 helpers gathered to spend time together during the hot summer days. From breakfast to afternoon snack, the program included songs, theater, moments of […]

  • Santiago de Chile
  • Gallery

The camino of St. Brochero

This January, the young people of the parish of St. Raphael in Asunción, Paraguay, traveled to Argentina to complete the “Camino of St. Brochero,” a pilgrimage of about 30 kilometers from the peak of the “Alturas de Córdoba,” all the way to the sanctuary dedicated to St. José Gabriel of Rosario Brochero, a priest who […]

  • Asunción
  • Testimonies

Under the mango tree

The parish of St. Joseph’s in Nairobi just celebrated 25 years of existence. A testimony from our mission in Kenya.

  • Mattia Zuliani
  • Gallery

Novena of the children

The novena of Christmas is an important tradition in Colombia: for nine days, every evening, people gather with friends and family to celebrate together with traditional Christmas songs. In our parish of Bogotá, the priests of St. Charles organized a special novena for the children: for each day, games, songs, moments of catechesis and lunch […]

  • Bogotà
  • Gallery

Lectors and Acolytes

On Saturday, December 16, in the chapel of the House of Formation, the seminarian Simone Moretti received the ministry of Lector. The following week, on Saturday, December 23, the seminarians Tommaso Benzoni, Andrea La Piana and Simone Moretti received the ministry of Acolyte. Both ministries are important steps approaching the diaconate and priesthood.

  • Roma
  • Testimonies

That no one remain alone!

Gathering the least and most marginalized of the city to celebrate Christmas with them and to learn to welcome Christ in our lives. A moving story from Asunción.

  • Patricio Hacin
  • Gallery

Mass of St. Charles

As is tradition, on Sunday, December 17, close to Christmas, the Fraternity of St. Charles invited friends and benefactors to celebrate together with a Mass in the parish of St. Charles at Ca’ Grande. Besides the opportunity to celebrate with one another, the occasion was marked by a witness of Fr. Paolo Sottopietra, superior general […]

  • Milan
  • Meditations

The courage to ask

Living Advent entails rediscovering one’s own question, but also and above all, walking towards Him who can respond.

  • Emmanuele Silanos
  • Testimonies

Is it possible to live fully?

A girl, a rather unique club and a question that is unavoidable: a story from an American high school.

  • Luis Miguel Hernández
  • Gallery

Pilgrimage to Lo Vásquez

On Saturday, November 18, the priests of the Fraternity of St. Charles who are on mission in Puente Alto (Santiago, Chile), accompanied the local community of Communion and Liberation on a pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Virgin of Lo Vásquez. Photo by Josè Miguel Torres Garzon.

  • Santiago de Chile
  • Testimonies

The silent offering that sustains the world

Visiting the homes of the sick and elderly allows us to enter into the time of God and rediscover the power of Christ. A testimony from a small town in Le Marche (Italy).

  • Martino De Carli